

INTRODUCTION Illiteracy in Africa continues to be one of the most significant and widespread problems on the continent. Millions of people in fact have no reading writing skills. This severely limits their chances of finding satisfactory employment. It also implies not being able to participate regularly in social life. People who lack education cannot live […]

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FAMILY CITATION A famous English pediatrician and psychologist Donald Winnicott coined the term “good enough parent.” which has now become public domain, used by everyone, or almost.”It simply means that the perfect parent doesn’t exist.” MEANING It means, for example, that a mother can experience the infinite fluctuations of fears, anxieties, tiredness, waste, but always

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Kurukan Fuga

Kurukan Fuga the name of this document takes its name from the city in which it was conceived. It is also known by the name Manden FUNCTION The empire of Mali, through one of the most significant acts of its foundation, has drawn up its own constitution to regulate all the social aspects of the

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