A famous English pediatrician and psychologist Donald Winnicott coined the term “good enough parent.” which has now become public domain, used by everyone, or almost.”It simply means that the perfect parent doesn’t exist.”


It means, for example, that a mother can experience the infinite fluctuations of fears, anxieties, tiredness, waste, but always remaining in the territory of spontaneity, capable of responding to the needs of her child in order to allow him to grow up “sufficiently healthy”.


As a first point, this parent must know how to respond to the physical needs of the child first of all, to his need to be looked after and to feel safe, let’s think of the newborn, who needs everything, the basic needs of the child are linked to purely bodily aspects such as eating, being washed , stay at the right temperature, have a balanced routine, etc.


I speak of bodily needs because they are, when the child comes into the world, the basic, most evident aspects that we cannot ignore. Having attention, being able to look after, protect and having the ability to recognize what the physical needs of the child are is the first function of a good parent who will build asecure base” for the child from which to leave.


A second very important aspect consists in the parent’s ability to know how to express and show affection, which can be transmitted to the child, where the positive emotions that the adult feels are shared and felt together.


This is a very important function because it is precisely through the perception of emotions that the child “builds” his affective and relational world.In addition, the ability to recognize the child’s psychological needs, which are no less important than the physical ones, allows you to be able to tune in to the child’s emotional states, get in touch with him and find the tools to reassure and contain him


The third characteristic that will be useful to recognize and learn to develop in order to be a good parent has to do with the ability to “predict” your child’s growth stages, this means being able to perceive in what state of growth is the child and being able to understand and imagine what he will be like and what he will need in the next stage.


A three-year-old child, for example, does not have the same needs as a five-year-old child and the parent’s behavior must be able to be adequate with respect to the current moment but also be able to predict how it will evolve, and therefore a “good parent” will himself have to change his ways of behavior and relationship with his own child.


We offer training to mothers by teaching them how to prepare nutritious food for their babies. In weekly sessions, mothers learn to choose local foods and cook healthy meals with our staff. HELP US BY DONATION OR VOLUNTEER. 




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